DOSS Group Apps

DOSS Real Estate Assistant 1.1.1
DOSS Group
Speak to a real estate focused AI that answers questions andhelpssearch for homes. Ask questions or search for homes byspeaking andget instant answers. BETA access is currently availablefor DOSS!It will improve in rapidly in both accuracy and featuresin thecoming months and your usage of the app will help us toimprove iteven faster. Just create a FREE user account and login tobeginasking all the questions about real estate you have alwayswantedto know the answers to, but didn't know who to ask. Now youcan AskDOSS!! DOSS is a virtual assistant that you can interactwith viayour natural language by speaking or typing. Ask how to getamortgage or describe your dream home and tell DOSS to see whatisavailable that matches. DOSS will bring all the dataavailableabout a property together in one place and present it toyou, allyou have to do is ask. Example questions are: "Are thereany homesavailable in Austin Texas with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathroomspricedbetween $500,000 and $700,000 that are also close to agrocerystore?" "What do I need to get approved for a mortgage?""Help meschedule a home tour?" "Is it a better time to buy or rentrightnow?" DOSS will answer you questions and help you searchwithoutselling your data or sharing you contact information withsalespeople. If there is something DOSS doesn't know the answer tooorif you are ready to take the next step beyond just searchingforhomes DOSS will ask if you want to be put in touch withanappropriate expert and let you pick how you want to becontacted.With DOSS our aim is to democratize the data of the realestateindustry and make this process transparent and fun insteadofopaque and nerve racking. Buying a home is a huge step and DOSSishere to help you make the best decision for your future!